Saturday, September 25, 2010

Frienship Series! - Part 1: The Power of Friendship

The F-Power
Passage: 1Kings12-17

Our parents always advice us to be careful of who we be friends with. Why?
The book of Proverbs tells us “He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.”

Friends we make in our lives will influence us, in the way we spend our time, the way we think, and our decision making. Let’s learn from the lesson of King Rehoboam, of how he chose to be influenced by his friends, and in turn made a decision that causes the entire nation to split.

We need to be careful of who we become friends with for they will set the direction for our life eventually.
Download the sermon here

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Friendship Series! Prequel

How to Relate Well With People
Relating people is an Art, and It’s mandatory for Christian to master this art. Because God count on us to spread the gospel, and relating well really helps in doing that.

A few practical steps we can do that David Gan suggested:
1. Take Effort to talk and connect
2. Speak positive, silent your negatives
3. Be humorous, not annoying
4. Smile more and greed people
I think more to those points, all of your would remember this better right?

Let's really work this area of our life, so we could shine more for God... Amen?